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Penland workshop in October: "Finding Your Form Through Drawing & Clay"

Registration has begun for this class that I will be teaching this October at Penland School of Crafts.    http://penland.org/classes/classes_by_session.html

October 9-15

Workshop description: In this process-oriented workshop, we’ll move back and forth between clay and various drawing media, seeking inspiration from the beautiful Penland setting and the host of natural forms within that environment. Working inside and outside the studio, our ideas and materials will be our partners, and the creative process will lead us. Artists who are used to working in two dimensions and those who usually work in three will all benefit from the contrast and combination of these two ways of working. We’ll use earthenware clay and have some electric firing for small pieces, and we’ll make lots of drawings. All levels. Code F01CB

Alice Ballard, gift from Alex, charcoal, ebony pencil, conte, 22 x 20 inches

Alice Ballard, Quince, white earthenware, terra sigillata 12 x 7 x 9 inches

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Announcing a new look for Alice Ballard's SquareSpace site...


After much thought and discussion, my technology expert and web-master, who also happens to be my son Ryan, and I, decided the time had come to change the focus of my site.  The site is now focused on the work itself.  You may have read more about the history of the sequence of events that lead up to this change, in my post on "Day to Day".

Numerous questions from former clients and from people interested in the work, were a tremendous help in our decision making about how best to redesign the site. The hope is that the new features will help to address those questions and others about availability of work, technical aspects of the work, installation concerns, of course the time line is always a factor, and prices, along with other concerns. The new features and information should help answer many of those questions. 

One huge goal is to help a potential client visualize the work they are considering for a particular space(s). This is true whether they are considering work that is available or a commission.  For this purpose we have a section of available work and a section with images of many of the commissioned projects I have done over the years.  Testimonials from some of the clients, along with their contact information are available.  In addition, soon there will be a video explaining what is involved if you are considering  a commissioned art work. 

My site will include examples my newest work, event announcements for exhibitions and workshops and will feature images of work in progress in my studio. Other videos are being planned that will answer frequently asked questions such as, "What is terra sigillata?" 

Last but not least, I hope to do all of the above in a highly personal way that will reflect my 50 years + experience as an artist.  In my case, my life as an artist is woven with a tangle of everyday life experiences, teaching, travel. Sharing with others is part of my life's mission as an artist, a teacher, parent, mentor, grandparent, spouse, and friend.

Please give feedback! We are still ironing out the wrinkles. So bring it on! We would love to have your questions, thoughts and suggestions. What so you like, what is unnecessary, what don't you like and what will keep you coming back to check out what is new....Thank you!   

The Alice & Ryan team




The Bascom Workshop in Highlands, NC, VESSELS FOR ALL SEASONS, was awesome!!!

The weather was cool, clear, not too hot and the skies were the vivid blue of Alaska skies in the summer.... 

Corbin Tucker met me when I arrived at the Barn on Sunday.  The studio was completely set up for the next morning.  Our friendship started when I met Corbin in my very first workshop at Odyssey in Asheville, NC. Since that time, our friendship has grown and flourished!  Corbin has become an accomplished ceramic artist and a beloved and trusted friend!  

VESSELS FOR ALL SEASONS had filled quickly with many returning friends from 4 VESSELS FOR 4 SEASONS IN 2014 along with a host of other clay enthusiasts of all levels and from many parts of the country.  With such an exceptional group arriving on Monday morning, it was not long before the Barn with its superbly equipped studio was buzzing with energy, excitement, laughter, and an explosion of creativity! We succeeded in firing at least 4 or 5 kiln loads by Friday.  The resulting work was stunning. A wide variety of sizes and forms were covered with a thin layer of terra sigillata in a rainbow of colors! Accents of brown and black copper carbonate looked stunning the way it brings out the texture and gives life to the form. The grand finale, however, was to see the final projects. Each person created an incredible arrangements that married the form of the vessel with their chosen "natural treasures" of branches, pods, rocks, blooms, grasses and leaves... It seemed a fitting way to bring our fun and the communion of being together to a chapter's end, a moment in time I will always remember, but certainly not an end.....  

Special thanks goes to each and every one of you who brought along your own special knowledge, experiences and your energy and you shared it with us! The sum of all of you together, created the unique, sometimes quiet and sometimes, wildly exuberant atmosphere of our workshop! 

Thank you Samantha Oliver, for being an outstanding artist-in-residence and superb studio assistant. Your willingness to stop and help was noticed and appreciated. Thank you Frank Vickery, for your incite, wisdom, knowledge and creativity that have lead the Bascom to having one of the most outstanding clay programs in the country!  Thank you again Corbin, Robert and pooches for your friendship, support and that fabulous party!!!!!


Here are a few images  from the Bascom workshop.  I hope some of you from the workshop will send me some of your best pictures, especially of your work and a class picture.  I will share them later!  Thanks! 


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Where has the time gone??????????????? Easter was yesterday!!!!!!

It is hard to believe the opening on Good Friday at Eno Gallery has come and gone along with Easter!  

Before the show is just a memory, I do want to share some images of the installation of my work at Eno Gallery.  Kudos to Mark for a great job fine tuning the lay-out of the show.  And a special thank you Tinka for deciphering my inventory and preparing the labels and invitations and other printed matter.  A huge thanks to Glory Day Loflin, former student at the SC Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities who accompanied me on this journey to Hillsborough, NC. Glory saved the day with all her help, fun and antics!  Having completed her undergraduate work, Glory has returned to Greenville to contemplate her future in the arts. She will be embarrassed by this but I will have to call her a "Rising Star" in the world of young, emerging artists...Speaking of stars, she deserves a Gold Star for putting up with my snoring...

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