
This is why I LOVE teaching 5th graders!!!

It has become a tradition for the 5th graders to create decorations for a CCES Middle School Christmas tree for Greenville's Festival of the Trees.  This year it will be an Asian tree with 2 dragons and their fire wound through the a nine foot tree culminating at the base!  The dragon's bodies will be made of overlapping fans painted by the students.  5th grade mottos will also adorn the tree, like new year's resolutions.  Fun should always be a part of the creative process and this what my 5th graders teach me every Thursday and Friday in my class....



Sadly, Greenville Open Studios 2015 is gone.................until 2016!!!!!!!!

Greenville Open Studios 2015 may very well be one of my favorite Greenville Open Studios!  I can't say much for the dreary weather but I can say the folks that ventured out into the rain and falling temperatures were truly outstanding in every way!  They were so appreciative, curious about me and about my process, loved our home which was opened up to share more of my work beyond my studio and many purchased work!  Best of all, former middle school and SC Governors School students along with former adult students from workshops came. One of my favorite current 5th graders even came, along with my first truly special student that I taught my first year in Greenville back in 1996.  You cannot imaging how touched I was! Add to that the help from special friends who assisted me over the weekend.  They were great company and generously answered questions and assisted folks while I was busy talking with other visitors.  I am so thankful for the financial success due mainly to their assistance.  I also owe thanks to my dear husband Roger who was in charge of the business transactions, charges, etc. Let's not forget the Metropolitan Arts Council for years of hard work to bring this event to its current success as a major event for the city of Greenville. Last but not least I thank Jaz and Rosie, our 2 standard poodles, for acting as our door bell and for giving all our guests a proper welcome!!!!   Thank you one and all...
