Driving through the mountains to Asheville yesterday afternoon for the Blue Spiral 1 opening felt a bit like a homecoming! As it turned out, the evening was filled with surprises, laughter and warmth.  

This seems an appropriate time to extend a special thank you to family and friends who support me as an artist, a teacher and a friend.  The surprise was that so many of you were able to make the opening! I loved visiting with each and every one of you!

I would also like to thank everyone at Blue Spiral 1 for your professionalism and support throughout the years.  Special thanks to Jordan Ahlers who is an artistic genius when it comes to putting exhibitions together.  And John Cram, I thank you for a long and special friendship. We have grown up together in the art world over the years haven't we?  Thank you John for all you have done for me over the years, for the laughter and tears we have shed, and thank you for the role you play in the arts, not just in Asheville, but well beyond the borders of the Southeast...

OUTSIDE INSPIRATION will be on view through November 11th. The art chosen for this exhibition is impressive, captivating and beautifully fits the theme of this show.  I hope you will come and experience the show for yourself.  Let me know what you think... 


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