3 two day workshops will be offered between Sunday, December 1, 2019 – Tuesday, December 17, 201912:00pm

I have had so many requests for small workshops that I have decided it was time to offer them in my new studio in Clover, SC. To begin my little adventure I plan to offer 3 mini 2 day workshops. The dates that are open will be any pair of days between December 1 and the 17th , The specific dates will be determined by you! So on a 1st come, 1st serve basis you can tell me which workshop you want and which dates. I will fill the 2 day slots this way to include up to three 2 day workshops. Hoping this will help for the first go round until I can establish which pair of days are the most popular !

Choose one of these fun but productive 2 day workshops…..Keep in mind no experience is required for any of these mini workshops but I do highly recommend A Conversation with Clay as the very best one for beginners.

I. A Conversation with Clay - Creating pinched forms in response to nature. Day two terra sigillata or underglaze may be applied to your work and meditation bowls may be glazed on the inside and ready to fire in a one fire process later. No firing will be offered but careful firing instructions will be given.

II. Making forms using the “dowel method” of hand building - This method is perfect for small and large forms. Forms range from lovely cups or containers to making parts for a tree, human or animal forms. It is one of my favorite techniques….

III. Learn to make a small plaster press mold on day 1 - Day 2 we will begin some forms in clay to take home with you. I use press molds all the time. These are simple forms that can be easily used to create an assortment of related forms using the same mold.

We have a lovely B&B here in Clover that is 5 minutes away and offers breakfast for $90. The sooner you register, the more likely you can get in to the B&B.

The total cost for the workshop is $250 which includes all tools and materials. Refunds of $200 will be given with 2 weeks notice. $50 is non refundable…

The first person or group (Yes, you can put own group together or start a group) that calls will have their choice of dates.

I am open to longer workshops in the future but am still resolving a kiln issue. I am firing in my small kiln temporarily…. Hope to see some of you from past workshops for this new adventure!

Call, email or text to hold a spot! 864-414-0478, aliceballard64@gmail.com

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